It’s said that the entrepreneur is the cornerstone of a business. He is the one who motivate others to deliver their utmost. Employees in the organisation look up to their leader for guidance, support and direction. Their motivation is the direct reflection of the enthusiasm their leader exudes. But who inspires the one who fuel others? What keeps the leader motivated when the going gets tough?
Being at the helm is a daunting proposition, especially when hit by constant challenges of being responsible for people, outcomes and uncertainties looming large in the business environment.
Here are five ways in which leaders can keep themselves motivated in tough times-
1. Rely on a Mentor– Find a peer group or network with mentors on whom you can count for support at times when you feel demotivated or bogged down by difficulties. Being motivated will help you become more confident, energised and productive.
2. Know what inspires you- Deliberate on what motivates your thoughts and actions. Understand the core purpose of running your business. Know what are your inner strengths, values, qualities and guiding principles. To be your best, you need to have an understanding of what boosts you up and helps you succeed.
3. Stay Connected- Keep yourself engaged with your employees and subordinates instead of staying aloof. Work along with them to resolve challenges and take their opinions while making crucial business decisions. Mix and mingle with them rather than being perched on a mountaintop.
4. Never lose sight of the end result- As a leader, it is important that you constantly work towards achieving the end result and inspire others to do the same. The greatest attribute of an entrepreneur is to see a vision over the horizon and to participate with a group of people to actually get there.
5. Maintain equilibrium- Find a way to balance your work and personal life. Reflect on what restores your energy and helps you find solace. Know your interests and passion and keep in touch with people you are close to- your family, your friends, your colleagues, etc.
Additionally, build a strong team and delegate tasks to individuals who are self-driven and competent enough to take decisions on trivial matters. At last, set realistic and achievable targets for yourself and your team. This will help you build confidence and endure failures without eroding your motivation.
SMB Connect is India’s largest integrated solution platform which links small and medium sized enterprises and entrepreneurs across the nation. Our mission is to build supportive communities by using effective solutions to connect with customers, providing advisory solutions, leveraging training programs and sharing the experiences of other businesses, so that SMBs can overcome all odds and succeed. Because we believe, Small Can Be Big!
We work on three fundamental principles- Connect, Knowledge and Growth to empower SMEs and to act as catalyst in their development process.
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