Are you struggling to mark your brand’s presence on social media? Are you competing to get into your customers’ feeds? Are you eyeing at growing your social media campaigns? The answer to these questions boil down to investing in the right social media tools to manage and optimize your posts, to grow your visibility and to build brand awareness.
At present, maximum social media marketing efforts of the businesses span around Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Youtube. By branching into lesser-used yet potent social media marketing tools, you can reach out to new customers, improve your brand credibility and even drive traffic to your website. Let’s dive into six top social media tools to help you grow your online business-
1. Buffer– Buffer is an application which allows you to post concurrently on multiple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. It has a queue publishing system through which you can schedule any kind of posts across major platforms reaping tremendous dividends in terms of time saved. You can also use the app to follow up your posts and to analyse which posts were effective and why. Buffer is free to use and covers all major social media networks except Instagram.
2. Sprout Social– Sprout Social is a powerful tool in the arsenal of a social media marketer. It is a social media management software which helps you to grow your social media presence by allowing multi-level access, monitored keyword tracking on twitter and by providing detailed reports of activities on various social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn etc. to help you gauge customer behaviour. It also permits content management and lead generation.
3. Swayy– Swayy is a content discovery tool which provides you high quality and informative content across innumerable categories to share with your customers. You can choose the categories on which you want to share the content from the list and once you do that, you will get relevant content related to those categories every day, thus saving time and efforts in internet surfing.
4. Brand24– Brand24 lets you know what people are saying online about your brand. It gives you instant access to mentions of your business anywhere on the web, whether on social media or on popular publishers. It helps you in identifying customers who are most active on social media and understand your brand image through positive, negative and neutral mentions.
5. Tagboard– Tagboard is a social listening platform. All you have to do is to type a term, topic or hashtag in the search box to see how that topic is being discussed in the social sphere. Besides helping you to monitor your brand and product mentions, it keeps you abreast with the latest trends and allows you to generate new ideas on what to post to keep your audience engaged.
6. Crowdbooster- Crowdbooster provides you with real-time data that can be accessed with relative ease. You can use this data to create reports demonstrating your key performance metrics and convert them into graphs and tables to help you identify the audience to engage with and the ways to improve your content.
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