5 ways to spot disengaged employees at workplace

Employees form the nerve-center of every organization. The success of an organization is the sum total of the individual efforts, dedication and commitment of its employees. That there is a positive correlation between employees’ engagement and profits an organization amass has long been established. Perceived through this lens, disengagement and non-participation of employees in an organization is sure to have unimaginable debilitating effects on its long-term revenues as well as growth prospects and thus, need to be monitored and reversed. Listed below are five signs that exhibit alienation of employees from their workplace-

  1. Increased Absenteeism and sluggishness- If employees show up late for work consistently, leave randomly during office hours and take extended lunch breaks, it strongly indicates that they are disengaged, lack time-management skills and are struggling to maintain work-life balance. Employees who take frequent sick leaves and miss targets and deadlines frequently also exhibit clear signs of disengagement.
  2. Reduced productivity- Quality and quantity of work done by disengaged employees is sub-optimal. They are reluctant to take new initiatives, do any work outside their core domain and make little efforts to meet organizational expectations. Besides lacking innovative thinking, they may also decline simple requests.
  3. Minimal social interaction- Disengaged employees tend to isolate themselves and minimize interaction with co-workers. They avoid social events at workplace and opt out of team discussions and crucial gatherings.
  4. Unwarranted hatred and negativity towards management- Unhappy and disinterested employees are consistently at odds with their immediate superiors and colleagues, showing open hostility and aggression. They make little efforts to solve problems and resist new initiatives. Such employees are always discontented with the management policies and try to spread negativity among their colleagues.
  5. Reluctance to improve or take ownership- Disinterested employees do not cash in on training and development opportunities. They refrain from taking up new challenges and always shift their responsibilities. ‘Not my job’, ‘not my responsibility’ are some of the common refrains of disengaged employees.
Disengaged employees can harm workforce morale and productivity while casting adverse impact on organization’s profit. Thus, it is vital to boost employee engagement by building an employee-centric organization. It is essential that the employees understand the mission and values of the organization clearly. Employers should ensure that adequate learning, training and development opportunities are provided to the employees. Proper allocation of job responsibilities and appropriate rewards and recognition system also goes a long way in keeping the workforce motivated and committed towards their work within the best of their abilities.