SMBConnect & Me

Sumit Singh, Director, Escape Route

I am Sumit Singh Jamwal, Director at Escape Route, a new company aiding your escape from monotony. We offer an array of services including listing off-beat destinations to travel to around Delhi NCR, we organize short and weeklong domestic and international group experiential trips with definite themes. We arrange a lot of activities in the city such as Escape Route Guitar Sessions, Art sessions, Day rides, heritage walks, exercise sessions etc. We also offer premium motorcycles and 4by4s on rent and allow you to share your experience stories on our blog,

Start Manage Expand was insightful in terms of speakers sharing their knowledge and stories. It was a good platform for start-ups and young companies to meet and network. It is always a learning experience to meet likeminded people. In fact, this is the reason I would like to attend this meet again. To hear the speakers talk as they share a lot of valuable tips and insights from their own learnings and to connect with businesses with same synergies.